Lean System Benefits

Specialists in Lean System Solutions – Supply & Design

With continuous improvement being the focus of Lean Manufacturing and related lean principles (TPS, Kaizen, Lean Six Sigma, 8 Forms of Waste, Benchmarking, 5S’s, 3Ms ,TQM, etc) effectiveness and efficiency across all areas of a business are increasingly important. With this in mind ATC works with its customers to understand their processes and develop the best solutions for them whether it be solutions for Lean Systems, Lean Environments, Industry 4.0, Assembly Line Configurations, Production Logistics, Workstation Ergonomics, etc.

Our lean modular system, Flowtube, allows users build bespoke solutions designed specifically for their process. These bespoke workbenches, trolleys, workstations, First In First Out (FIFO) racks with or without totes help eliminate unnecessary work and improve material flow. In addition our products are ergonomically designed to meet lean manufacturing and continuous improvement (kaizen) principles. Our design team will work with you to determine the best solution for you. Benefits from implementing lean solutions include:


Visual Management


Our range of lean solutions can help you save time in your process by providing solutions that reduce material handling and movement.

Visual Management


Our range of lean solutions can help you save time in your process by providing solutions that reduce material handling and movement.

Visual Management


Our solutions are designed with optimal operator performance in mind, reducing unnecessary stresses and strains on the body to result in a more efficient operator.

Visual Management


Our solutions can be designed to suit your exact space requirements, maximising what you can fit.

*Augmented reality experience is currently supported on the following devices: iPhone on iOS 12 and Android 8.0 with ARCore 1.9 support.

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